College Graduate Awards 2022

Clark Hall, home of the College of Arts and Sciences
Clark Hall, home of the College of Arts and Sciences

Outstanding Dissertation

Jess Hamlet
Shakespeare, Race, and Adaptation in Times of Unrest, 1601-1888
Department of English
Committee Chair: Michelle Dowd

Soohyun Park
Gene by Environment Interactions on Late-Life Cognitive Functioning: Integrative Roles of Polygenic Score, Early Life Trauma, and Psychological Resilience
Department of Psychology
Committee Chair: Rebecca Allen and Giyeon Kim

Rebecca Varney
Biomineralization in the Radula of the Chiton Acanthopleura Granulata
Department of Biological Sciences
Committee Chair: Kevin Kocot

Outstanding Master’s Thesis

Sezgi Acar
The Role of Language use in Identity Construction Amongst LGBTQI+ Youtubers
Department of English
Committee Chair: Robert Poole

Musfiq Bhuiya
Accessibility of Movement Challenged Persons and their Earthquake Risk Perception
Department Geography
Committee Chair: Wanyun Shao

Barbara-Shae Jackson
The Color Line: The Influence of Race on Aesthetic Experience and its Inferred Connection to Implicit Bias
Department of Psychology
Committee Chair: Sheila Black

Outstanding Research by a Doctoral Student

Jonathan Frame
Department of Geological Sciences

Outstanding Research by a Master’s Student

Julia Loup
Department of Psychology

Outstanding Teaching by a Doctoral Student

Cassie Whitt
Department of Psychology

Outstanding Teaching by a Master’s Student

Grey Wolfe LaJoie
Department of English

Outstanding Service by a Graduate Student

Katie Lightfoot
Department Of Modern Languages and Classics