Department of Anthropology Awards 2022

Emmily Mobley

Hughes Prize | Lambda Alpha Inductee


The C. E. Smith Memorial Award for Academic Excellence at the Undergraduate Level in Anthropology
Carrie Doss

The Hughes Prize
Charity McCalpin
Emmily Mobley


The Richard A. Krause Prize for Academic Excellence at the Graduate Level in Anthropology
Lawrence Monocello

The Dr. John William Cottier Endowed Scholarship in Anthropology
Michael Fedoroff

The Vernon James Knight Endowed Scholarship in Anthropology
Cynthia Hannold

The David and Elizabeth DeJarnette Endowed Scholarship in Anthropology
Steven Filoromo
Cynthia Hannold

The Allen R. Maxwell Endowed Anthropology Scholarship
Amanda Guitar

The Dr. Milady Murphy Endowed Scholarship in the Anthropology of Health and Wellness
Kathleen Jackson